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  • Writer's pictureVerein Siyabonga

Project leadership of the township project

April 2020: Unfortunately we do not have good news from our township-project "Walk In The Light". During the past years we have informed you about the various setbacks in the project: draught or arson which caused harvesting shortfall on the farm, illegal land invasion and the devastating break-in in 2019. Until now the project leader Bruce Taylor as well as his team have been able to motivate themselves after each setback and continued to support the poorest of the poor in the township.

Recently Bruce has informed us that he is no longer able to lead "Walk In The Light" which he started 19 years ago.

The decision was not easy for him, but due to the worsening of the situation with increasing violence and the continuing bad economic situation respectively recession, he saw no other option. He had to suffer too many personal setbacks, most recently, unfortunately the closure of his shop, in which - among other things - he sold the farm's natural cosmetics products. Bruce had even received death threats during the illegal land invasions.

We thank Bruce for his tireless work and hospitality during our past visits.

We have been supporting "Walk In The Light" since 2007 and want to continue with it.

Therefore, together with the social worker Phindile, we are considering how we can ensure this in the future. Our goal is to continue to make home visits to the families in need and to provide urgently needed ambulance services. For the time being, however, we have suspended financial support until the organisational issues of the continuation of the project have been clarified. We very much hope that we will find a good solution quickly and will keep you informed about this.

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